Make Prices Private or Public

If you'd like to hide a price from the public, you have several options available. In addition to locking prices with a Password or Member Discount Code, there are settings to simply make them private.

How to Make a Price Private

You can hide a price entirely from the event page through the advanced price settings. This is a handy option for comps or special prices you'd like to reserve yourself or at the door. 

  1. Log in to your Brown Paper Tickets account
  2. From the Account menu, select Manage Your Events
  3. In line with the event title, select Go!
  4. Choose Dates & Prices from the dark gray bar
  5. Scroll down to Your Dates & Prices
  6. In line with the price, click the Edit or Delete Price link
  7. Under Price Limitations locate Display Publicly
  8. Select Never
  9. Click Save Changes
  10. Repeat steps for additional prices as needed

How to Make a Price Public

If you'd like to make a private price public, just follow the instructions above and select Always on step 8.

Make a Price Private Once Sales End

You can also set up your prices to become private once sales have ended, which can be helpful if you are selling early bird tickets.

  1. Log in to your Brown Paper Tickets account
  2. From the Account menu, select Manage Your Events
  3. In line with the event title, select Go!
  4. Choose Dates & Prices from the dark gray bar
  5. Scroll down to Your Dates & Prices
  6. In line with the price, click the Edit or Delete Price link
  7. Under Price Limitations select Hide Price When Sales End
  8. Click Save Changes
  9. Repeat steps for additional prices as needed