Format Your Event Details Using HTML

You can format the content of your event page using basic HTML. These examples can also be used in your Public Profile Description.

Here are a few examples of commonly used HTML tags:


  1. Copy & paste the following code into the Description field:
              <a href="URL FOR LINK">link text</a>
  2. Replace the words URL FOR LINK with the URL you'd like to direct people to
    1. Make sure to include the http:// or https:// at the beginning of the url
  3. Replace the words LINK TEXT with the words you'd like to display for people to see

Bold Text

  1. Copy & paste the following code into the Description field:
  2. Replace the word BOLD with the text that you'd like to be bold

Embed An Image

We recommend a 300 pixel image size for optimal display on mobile devices and computers.

  1. Copy & paste the following code into the Description field:
              <img src="IMAGE URL">
  2. Replace the words IMAGE URL with a link to the image you'd like to display

View this demo event for more examples of HTML tags that can be used in the Event Description and Profile Description.