Bundle Your Add-on Prices with Admission

Examples of Bundled Admission Options

Admission $10

Admission + Book $35

Admission + 10 Raffle Tickets $20

Admission + Vegan Dinner $35

Admission + Steak Dinner $40

How Bundle Add-ons with Ticket Prices

  1. Log in to your Brown Paper Tickets account
  2. From the Account menu, select Manage Your Events
  3. Click Go! next to the event's title
  4. Select the Dates & Prices tab from the dark gray bar
  5. Scroll down to Your Dates & Prices
  6. In line with the price, click the Edit link
  7. Adjust the value of the merchandise price to include admission
  8. Edit the Price Name and Price Description to reflect that admission is included
  9. Click Save Changes
  10. Repeat steps for additional prices as needed