Edit Admission Levels

Need to make a change to the settings selected for your admission level? No problem. Follow the steps below to adjust the price description, add special access codes, or change who can see and access the price level.

These steps will lead you to edit an existing admission/price level on your event. If you haven't yet added prices to your event, read this article first.

How To Edit Your Admission Level

  1. Log in to your account. From the Account menu, select Manage Your Events
  2. In line with the event title, select Go!
  3. Choose Dates & Prices from the dark gray bar
  4. Scroll down to Your Dates & Prices
  5. In line with the price, click the Edit or Delete Price link
  6. Modify the price settings as needed, including:
    1. Price-specific on-sale and end-of-sales dates
    2. Passwords or other eligibility settings
    3. Ticket layouts

      Questions about any of the price settings? Check out the right
      side-bar on the event management page for more information about
      each specific one.

  7. Click Save Changes
  8. Repeat steps for additional prices as needed